Biography of Edward V. Miles

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Edward V. Miles, a renowned and prosperous farmer, is considered a pioneer of Jerauld County, South Dakota. Born in Wessington, Hand County, Virginia in 1838, he displayed unwavering loyalty during the Civil War, serving in the Second Illinois Volunteer Cavalry. After the war, he returned to Illinois, engaging in farming, mercantile pursuits, and grain trading. In 1882, he settled in Jerauld County, developing a valuable farm and becoming a respected figure in the community. Eventually, he sold his farm, moved to Wessington Springs, and enjoyed a well-deserved retirement. A prominent citizen, Miles actively participated in local affairs, and his contributions to South Dakota’s history are commendable.

History of Britton, South Dakota

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

During the spring of 1883 a few claim shacks were built on what now comprises the town site of Britton; the squatters little dreaming that three years of ‘time would bring, them a railroad, a flourishing town and county seat. Wm. Ross, of Stena township, while tramping over this portion of Miller township the latter … Read more

History of Miller Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Miller township is centrally located and the surface slightly undulating, with the exception of the quite prominent elevation upon which Britton is located. This low range of hills commences in the southwest corner of the township and gradually rises higher, and extends across the northwestern part of Pleasant Valley township into White township, where it … Read more

Martha Jane Cannary

Calamity Jane

My maiden name was Marthy Cannary. I was born in Princeton, Missouri, May 1st, 1852. Father and mother were natives of Ohio. I had two brothers and three sisters, I being the oldest of the children. As a child I always had a fondness for adventure and out-door exercise and especial fondness for horses which … Read more