Biography of Hans A. Ustrud

Hans A. Ustrud is a prominent figure in educational circles, serving as the incumbent county superintendent of schools in Minnehaha County, South Dakota. Born in Baltic in 1871, he hails from a Norwegian ancestry. Ustrud’s early education was received in the public schools of his native county, where he developed a deep understanding of the pioneer era. After graduating from the Lutheran Normal School in Sioux Falls, he became a respected teacher, dedicating himself to the educational interests of Minnehaha County. His exceptional work led to his election as county superintendent in 1902, where he successfully organized and unified the school system. Ustrud’s accomplishments have garnered widespread acclaim and trust from the community he serves.

HANS A. USTRUD is a prominent figure in educational circles and is the incumbent county superintendent of schools of Minnehaha County, retaining his residence in the city of Sioux Falls, the beautiful county seat. Mr. Ustrud comes from a staunch Norwegian ancestry and is a native of Minnehaha County, having been born in Baltic on the 4th of November, 1871. He is the son of Halvor O. and Julia (Kaasa) Ustrud, both of whom were born near Skien, Norway. They came to America in 1866 and became pioneers of Minnehaha County, South Dakota in 1868. They still reside there, with the father devoting his attention to farming.

The subject of this sketch received his early education in the public schools of his native county, and he was familiar with the scenes and incidents of the pioneer era during his boyhood. In 1890, he entered the Lutheran Normal School in Sioux Falls and graduated as a member of the class of 1895. He then became a successful and popular teacher in the schools of his native county, except for three years when he served as the principal of the public schools in Rockdale, Dane County, Wisconsin. After returning to South Dakota, he resumed his teaching career in Minnehaha County.

In November 1902, he was elected county superintendent of schools, a position in which he has accomplished highly effective work. He has systematized and unified the school work in his jurisdiction and infused zeal and enthusiasm among the teachers. As the most populous county in the state, it is crucial that its educational interests are entrusted to a competent executive, and Mr. Ustrud’s performance has fully justified the confidence of the people who elected him to office.

In politics, Mr. Ustrud is an unwavering Republican and a leader in the local ranks of the “grand old party.” He has served as a delegate to both state and county conventions and was a member of the Republican central committee of his county for four years. He is an active member of the Lutheran church and is involved in its work.

Source: Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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