Biography of Nels C. Andrews

Nels C. Andrews, born August 14, 1868, in Racine, Wisconsin, became a prominent figure in Irene, South Dakota, where he managed J. H. Queal & Company. His parents, Christ and Marie Christensen, emigrated from Denmark in 1868, settling in Wisconsin before moving to Turner County, South Dakota, in 1877. Nels attended Sioux Falls College, graduating in 1899, and spent a decade teaching in Turner County. He married Christine Olson in 1895, and they had four children: Rubie, Una, Pearl, and Newell. Active in local politics and civic organizations, Andrews served as mayor and held various public offices in Irene.

Nels C. Andrews, who is now acting as manager for J. H. Queal & Company of Minneapolis, his home being in Irene, was born on the 14th of August 1868, in Racine, Wisconsin, and is a son of Christ and Marie (Nielsen) Christensen, natives of Denmark. Coming to America in 1868, the father first settled in Wisconsin, where he made his home until 1877, and then removed to Turner County, South Dakota. There he secured one hundred and sixty acres of government land and for several years devoted his time and energies to the improvement and cultivation of his place, though by trade he is a wagonmaker, having followed that occupation in the old country. He also worked with a brother at wagonmaking in Racine, Wisconsin, and to his own industry, perseverance, and economy is due his success in life. In religious faith, he is a Baptist, and in politics, is an ardent Republican. His family consists of six children, namely: Christine, now the wife of Nick Nielson, a farmer; Tillie; John, who married Minnie Olson; Mary, wife of C. F. Frederickson, a farmer of Turner County, South Dakota; Anton, who is operating the home place for his father; and Nels C., of this review.

Nels C. Andrews spent his early life upon a farm and had good educational advantages. After attending the public schools for some years, he entered Sioux Falls College at Sioux Falls in 1896, completing the scientific course and graduating with the class of 1899. For ten years he successfully engaged in teaching school in Turner County, being in charge of the city school at Viborg a part of the time, but as previously stated, he now holds the position of manager for J. H. Queal & Company at Irene, Yankton County.

In 1895 Mr. Andrews was united in marriage to Miss Christine Olson, a daughter of Christ and Marie (Nelson) Olson, who were born in Denmark and are now living in Turner County, South Dakota. Her father is a very up-to-date and prosperous farmer, being now the owner of eleven hundred and twenty acres of good farmland in this state. He has a family of five children, namely: Christine, Nels, Frank, Victor, and Arthur. The sons are still at home. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Andrews are Rubie V., Una Z., Pearl B., and Newell C.

Although comparatively a young man, Mr. Andrews has already met with fair success in life and is the owner of some town property in Irene. He is an honored member of several civic societies, belonging to the Masonic lodge at Centerville; Yankton Consistory, No. 1; the Modern Woodmen Camp, No. 2323; the Danish Brotherhood, No. 141; and the Order of Home Guardians, No. 2. Politically, he is a stalwart Democrat, and he has taken quite an active and influential part in local politics. His fellow citizens, recognizing his worth and ability, have called upon him to serve as justice of the peace, town clerk, alderman, and mayor of Irene, and his official duties have always been discharged in a commendable and satisfactory manner.

Source: Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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