Biography of George H. Baxter

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

George H. Baxter is a prominent business figure in Watertown, South Dakota. Born in Illinois in 1860, he grew up on a farm and later ventured into agriculture and livestock in South Dakota. In 1893, he shifted his focus to the milling industry and became the sole stockholder of the Kampeska Milling Company, which he expanded into a highly efficient and modern facility. Baxter’s astute business acumen, integrity, and involvement in various organizations earned him widespread respect. He married Hattie M. Stone in 1900, and both actively participated in the Methodist Church and held esteemed positions in the community.

History of Newport Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

The surface of Newport township is level and has a large slough extending from north to south through its center. This slough has the appearance of having been a lake, perhaps centuries ago; the bottom is level and makes a good meadow. East of the slough, on sec. 16, the old earthworks of a fort remain to be seen. In all probability it was built by Gen Sibley in 1863-‘4, when he was through here hunting hostile Indians. The township is well settled and has three schoolhouses; before the division it belonged to Farmington, Day County. Pioneer Settlers of Newport … Read more