History of Weston Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Weston township is settled mostly by Brown county settlers from Columbia and Groton, who came in early in the spring of 1883. The surface is somewhat undulating. There are two large depressions in southeast part, of about 500 acres, which yield an abundance of good hay. Originally included the south half of Stena township, and was known as Norwich. In the spring of ’85 was reorganized and named Weston. Now has three fine school-houses built last year. About October 1, 1882, H. H. Snow, from Clear Lake, Minn., settled on sec. 17. He was the first settler in the township … Read more

History of Lowell Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Lowell township lies west of Waverly and is quite level, and one of the most fertile townships in the county. In June, 1883, was included in Hickman school township, and in March, 1884. was set off and named Lowell, in honor of Judge Lowell, of Bristol, who for several years was chairman of the board of county commissioners of Day county. Lowell now has two good school-houses, built in 1885. Jay King, mentioned in Waverly, squatted on sec. 23 in the fall of ’82 and built a shack; afterwards filed homestead on sec. 26. In the winter of 1884-5 married … Read more

History of Dayton Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Dayton township lies in the northwest corner of the county, and the surface is quite rolling with the exception of an apparent depression or valley, or more properly, there is a low range of hills extending from the southeast corner of the township along the town line, west and then north, with a turn to the northeast, forming a semi-circle; in this semi-circle lies the valley mentioned, which contains the majority of the settlers. An abundance of water is obtained at a depth of fifteen to thirty feet. The soil in the valley is rich and productive, while the hills … Read more