Biography of William Bird Sherrard

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William Bird Sherrard, born in County Tyrone, Ireland, in 1837, descended from Scottish and English ancestry. Despite their Presbyterian faith, his family supported the Catholic church, aligning with the struggle for Irish independence. After immigrating to America in 1864, Sherrard settled in Chicago and became involved in assisting newsboys and bootblacks. His dedication led to the establishment of the Newsboys and Bootblacks’ Association. Later, he pioneered the Children’s Home Society in South Dakota, caring for hundreds of children and building assets of forty thousand dollars. Sherrard’s success is attributed to his devoted wife and his unwavering commitment to the cause.

Biography of George D. Stelle

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

George D. Stelle, one of the prominent and popular farmers and pioneers of Spink County, is one of the brave “boys in blue” who went forth in defense of the Union when its integrity was in jeopardy through the armed rebellion of the Confederacy. He was born in New York City on the 8th of April, 1843, and is a son of Jeremiah D. Stelle, who was likewise born in that city. George enlisted in the Twenty-eighth New Jersey Volunteer Infantry in August 1862 and served in various battles, including Fredericksburg and Gettysburg. After the war, he pursued farming in different states before settling in South Dakota in 1881. He married Adelaide Calhoon, and they had eight children: Florence Lillian (deceased), William Earl, Jennie Weltha, Ruth Elizabeth, Agnes Opal, Vena E., Blanche, and Margaret E.