Biography of Gilmore Fry

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Gilmore Fry, born in June 1863 in Freeport, Illinois, moved with his family to Yankton County, South Dakota, in 1869. His father, Joel Fry, pre-empted land and became a successful farmer, landowner, and community leader. Raised amid the pioneer environment, Gilmore witnessed significant regional changes. In 1899, he married Nettie Lawrence, with whom he had three children: Agnes, Alice, and Willard. Gilmore later managed a lumber yard and elevator for the Atlas Elevator Company in Mission Hill while also owning 500 acres of land. Active in his community, he aligned with the Republican Party and the Congregational church.

Biography of Henry Roth

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Henry Roth, a successful farmer and stock grower in Hanson County, South Dakota, comes from a respected pioneer family. Born in Minnesota in 1862, Henry’s parents were German immigrants and devout Lutherans. Following in his father’s footsteps, Henry dedicated himself to agricultural pursuits and now owns a remarkable 430-acre farm in Spring Lake township. Known for his expertise in raising red polled cattle and high-grade hogs, Henry has gained a reputation for his outstanding farm, boasting well-maintained buildings, fences, and even a beautiful tree grove. Actively involved in local politics and cherished by his community, Henry, along with his wife Minnie, contributes to the Lutheran church and engages in various fraternal organizations.