Biography of Ole Kjeldseth

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Ole Kjeldseth, born on March 20, 1835, in Bye, Wardalen, Norway, emigrated to the United States in 1864, initially settling in Muskegon, Michigan. After working in a sawmill and farming in Wisconsin, he returned to Norway briefly before relocating to Yankton County, South Dakota, in 1870. Starting with 160 acres, he expanded his holdings to 640 acres, overcoming early setbacks like grasshopper plagues. He married Sarah Knutson in 1860, and they had four children. A committed Republican, Kjeldseth served as county commissioner, justice of the peace, and school officer. His success is attributed to his hard work and business acumen.

History of White Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

White Township, with the exception of the spur of hills extending into the southern corner of the township from Miller township, is quite level. The Wild Rice slough runs through it to the north, Geo. W. White, originally from Ohio, came here from Richland county, Dakota, located his claim July 20, 1882. Wm. Linse, from Wilkin county, Minnesota, located his claim, Section 12, about or a short time prior to White‘s settlement. Nels Otland, on Section 14, was in all probability the first one in the township to commence improvements. The evidence on this point is very unsatisfactory and conflicting. … Read more