Biography of Lewis A. Fox

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Lewis A. Fox (b. 1874, Faribault County, Minnesota) was the editor and proprietor of the *Tripp Ledger* in Tripp, South Dakota. After learning the printing trade in Lake Preston, South Dakota, Fox acquired the *Tripp Ledger* in 1893, transforming it into a respected local newspaper. Active in Republican politics and a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, he also served as justice of the peace for seven years. In 1898, he married Elsie E. Morris, with whom he had a daughter, Ruth. Fox’s family history includes deep military ties, with ancestors serving in conflicts from the War of 1812 to the Spanish-American War.

Biography of Walter D. Morris

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Walter D. Morris, born April 12, 1856, in Fredonia, New York, was a key figure in the banking industry in Watertown, South Dakota. After beginning his banking career in Minnesota, he co-founded the Citizens’ National Bank in Watertown in 1885, serving as its cashier and later as president from 1898 onward. Under his leadership, the bank became a stable and well-regarded institution. Morris was known for his business acumen and civic involvement, though he avoided political office. He married Mary A. Archibald in 1880, and they had four children: Archibald, Lorenzo, Walter Jr., and Fannie.

History of Hickman Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

About ono-third of Hickman township lies on the plateau, which, with the exception of several coulees is level and good farming land; the other two-thirds lie in the valley; the surface rather level. There are several ravines or coulees that emerge from the Coteaus in Sisseton township and run in a westerly direction; one of these coulees crosses sections 12,11, 10, 9 and 8, and on sec. 7 spreads out like a fan, covering three quarter sections of land, making an excellent meadow. This coulee on sec. 11 contained some timber, currants, gooseberries and raspberries, also plum trees. Excellent drinking … Read more

History of Victor Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Victor Township lies in the northeast corner of the county, west of the Sisseton reservation and north of the military reservation and at present includes a strip three miles wide lying between it and the military reservation. The western part is quite level, while the eastern part extends up into the Coteaus. The principal part of the land in the hills is good farming land, free of stones and nearly all settled. There are five coulees emerging from the hills, four of which contain timber. Chas. Bailey, mentioned elsewhere, was the first settler on section 12. Peter Sirai, a native … Read more

South Dakota Biographies

The Picturesque Story of South Dakota

Marthy Jane Cannary Biographies from the Memorial and Biographical Record These biographies are from “Memorial and biographical record; an illustrated compendium of biography, containing a compendium of local biography, including biographical sketches of prominent old settlers and representative citizens of South Dakota…” W. G. Ackerman Ell Nathan Aldrich Irwin D. Aldrich M. D. Alexander Andrew A. Anderson G. W. Anderson Oliver E. Anderson William Anderson James Oliver Andrews James J. Aplin Giles A. Baker Thomas Bandy Julian Bennett Dr. William S. Bentley Dr. S. N. Blair Joseph F. Bockler H. A. Booth George C. Bradley Christopher Brakke George Nelson Breed … Read more