Biography of Alvin M. Shaw

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Alvin M. Shaw, who is incumbent of the responsible executive office of cashier of the Delmont State Bank, of Delmont, Douglas County, is recognized as one of the able young business men of the county, where he is held in high esteem and is personally popular. He was born on a farm in Joe Daviess County, Illinois, on the 3rd of February, 1876, being a son of Henry and Mary E. Shaw, of whose seven children four are living, namely: William H., who is cashier of the Hutchinson County Bank, at Parkston, this state; Ora P., who is a grain … Read more

History of Weston Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Weston township is settled mostly by Brown county settlers from Columbia and Groton, who came in early in the spring of 1883. The surface is somewhat undulating. There are two large depressions in southeast part, of about 500 acres, which yield an abundance of good hay. Originally included the south half of Stena township, and was known as Norwich. In the spring of ’85 was reorganized and named Weston. Now has three fine school-houses built last year. About October 1, 1882, H. H. Snow, from Clear Lake, Minn., settled on sec. 17. He was the first settler in the township … Read more