Biography of Caleb P. Taylor

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Caleb P. Taylor, born April 25, 1855, in Grant County, Wisconsin, is a prominent farmer and livestock grower in Davidson County, South Dakota. Son of C. and Nancy (Coombs) Taylor, he began farming independently at age twenty-two on a 320-acre farm in Wisconsin. In 1900, he moved to South Dakota, purchasing a 240-acre farm in Badger Township. Taylor has achieved success in agriculture and livestock raising. A staunch Republican, he is active in community affairs and a member of the Congregational Church. He married Izella Shanley on January 18, 1876, and they have four children: Florence, Halbert, Grace, and Clyde.

Biography of Lester H. Bentley

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Lester H. Bentley, a prominent figure in both the legal and business realms of Milbank, South Dakota, is known for his active involvement in politics, civic affairs, and industrial ventures. Born in Minnesota in 1871, Bentley honed his skills through farm work and pursued a legal education at the University of Minnesota. Graduating in 1892, he embarked on a successful legal career in Montevideo before establishing himself in Milbank. Bentley’s expertise extends beyond law, as he holds positions in various financial institutions and industrial enterprises. With his remarkable acumen and progressive mindset, Bentley has left an indelible mark on his profession and the community.

Biography of Joseph J. Volin

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Joseph J. Volin, a pioneer in South Dakota, played a crucial role in the development of Yankton County. Born in Canada in 1838, he moved to Iowa with his family before settling in South Dakota. Overcoming hardships, including crop destruction and floods, Volin became a prosperous farmer, eventually owning a 400-acre cultivated farm. He actively participated in community affairs, helping to establish the first school in his district and serving as a school trustee for two decades. Volin, a Democrat who prioritized merit over party, was also a respected member of the Congregational Church.

History of Weston Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Weston township is settled mostly by Brown county settlers from Columbia and Groton, who came in early in the spring of 1883. The surface is somewhat undulating. There are two large depressions in southeast part, of about 500 acres, which yield an abundance of good hay. Originally included the south half of Stena township, and … Read more

History of Miller Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Miller township is centrally located and the surface slightly undulating, with the exception of the quite prominent elevation upon which Britton is located. This low range of hills commences in the southwest corner of the township and gradually rises higher, and extends across the northwestern part of Pleasant Valley township into White township, where it … Read more