Biography of George H. Grace

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

George H. Grace, the incumbent superintendent of schools in Hand County, was born in Green County, Wisconsin, on August 8, 1871. His father, John Grace, served as a courageous soldier in the Union army during the Civil War. George received his early education in Wisconsin before his family relocated to South Dakota. After completing his studies, he served as clerk of the courts and later became the county superintendent of schools. Known for revitalizing and systematizing education in his jurisdiction, Grace is highly regarded by both teachers and the community. He is a dedicated advocate of the Republican Party and has made significant contributions to education in South Dakota.

History of Pleasant Valley Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Pleasant Valley township lies east of Britton, and the ridge or elevation on which Britton is located extends across the northwest corner of the township and terminates in the southeast corner of White township on sections 35 and 36, where the Wild Rice passes through to the north. This termination is generally known as the … Read more