Biography of Henry H. Platts

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Henry H. Platts was born in Cheshire County, New Hampshire, on December 25, 1829, to Harvey and Harriett (Davis) Platts. He moved west in 1852, settling first in Jones County, Iowa, and later in Worth County. Platts served in the Civil War, enlisting in 1861 and remaining in service until 1866. Post-war, he farmed in Iowa before relocating to Moody County, South Dakota, in 1876, where he developed a successful ranch. He later moved to Egan, SD, engaging in mercantile business until his death on February 23, 1904. Platts was married twice and had eight children.

History of Pleasant Valley Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Pleasant Valley township lies east of Britton, and the ridge or elevation on which Britton is located extends across the northwest corner of the township and terminates in the southeast corner of White township on sections 35 and 36, where the Wild Rice passes through to the north. This termination is generally known as the … Read more

History of Miller Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Miller township is centrally located and the surface slightly undulating, with the exception of the quite prominent elevation upon which Britton is located. This low range of hills commences in the southwest corner of the township and gradually rises higher, and extends across the northwestern part of Pleasant Valley township into White township, where it … Read more