History of Newport Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

The surface of Newport township is level and has a large slough extending from north to south through its center. This slough has the appearance of having been a lake, perhaps centuries ago; the bottom is level and makes a good meadow. East of the slough, on sec. 16, the old earthworks of a fort remain to be seen. In all probability it was built by Gen Sibley in 1863-‘4, when he was through here hunting hostile Indians. The township is well settled and has three schoolhouses; before the division it belonged to Farmington, Day County. Pioneer Settlers of Newport … Read more

History of Waverly Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Waverly township, with the exception of the northwestern part, lies on a gradual elevation which finally terminates in the hills. Two-thirds of this township is fine tillable land, the remainder good grazing land, being well supplied with, water. In the eastern part of the township there are two deep gulches or coulees about one mile apart and both running west. They must have contained very heavy timber years ago, judging from stumps still remaining, several feet in diameter. Wood contractors gobbled it, hauling it to the fort. What remained was taken by the settlers from all parts of the county. … Read more