Biography of Alois Jezewski

Alois Jezewski, born November 24, 1880, in Winona, Minnesota, is the manager of the lumber yards for J. H. Queal & Company in Tabor, Bon Homme County, South Dakota. A son of Polish immigrants Andrew and Pauline Jezewski, Alois grew up in Winona and served in the Spanish-American War. His career includes roles with the Winona Lumber Company, Herman Dahl, the Lunds Land Agency, and C. M. Anderson, among others. Jezewski is an accomplished musician and has completed a course in architecture. He married Stella Hakl on June 3, 1902.

Alois Jezewski is one of the progressive young business men of the state, being manager of the lumber yards of the firm of J. H. Queal & Company, at Tabor, Bon Homme county, while he has previously held other important positions demanding marked executive ability and discrimination.

Mr. Jezewski is a native of Winona, Minnesota, where he was born on the 24th of November, 1880, being a son of Andrew and Pauline (Jajesky) Jezewski, both of whom were born in Poland. There the father of our subject was reared and educated, and when about seventeen years of age, came to the United States in company with his parents, locating in Minnesota, where his father took up a tract of land and engaged in farming. On attaining manhood, he became identified with the lumbering industry of that state, securing a position in the sawmills of the firm of Laird, Norton & Company, at Winona. Here his skill and fidelity met with appreciative recognition, and he was soon advanced to the position of edger, and has ever since remained in the employ of the same concern, having filled the position noted for nearly a quarter of a century. He is a Republican in politics, a man of sterling character, and both he and his wife are devout communicants of the Catholic church.

The subject of this sketch was reared to maturity in his native town of Winona, where he completed the curriculum of the public schools, including the high school. At the breaking out of the Spanish-American war, he was a member of Company E, Second Regiment of the Union State Militia, and when his command was called into service, Mr. Jezewski became a member of Company E, Twelfth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry, remaining in service for six months and then receiving his honorable discharge, the regiment having been stationed at Chickamauga Park. He was discharged as corporal of his company, and while in active service, he was on detail duty in the hospital, also serving as company clerk, while he also did effective work as battalion correspondent for the St. Paul Globe. After his return home, he became second man at Minnesota, Minnesota, for the Winona Lumber Company. After a short time, he resigned this position to accept a place as machine salesman and stock buyer with Herman Dahl, in whose employ he remained until the winter of 1899-1900, during which he was in the employ of the Lunds Land Agency as traveling representative for a time, then engaging in selling implements and buying stock for C. M. Anderson, of Canby, Minnesota. In the winter of 1900-1901, he engaged in teaching school and was also leader of the band at Wilmo, Minnesota, being an accomplished musician in this line of renditions. In the spring of 1901, he accepted a position as salesman for the Dawson Lumber Company, at Ivanhoe, Minnesota, and in the following August, the company disposed of its interests at that point. Our subject was then offered a position with the company in connection with their business at Madison, that state, but he did not accept the same but entered the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company, continuing in service during the busy season of stock transportation. In December, 1901, he accepted a position with the lumber firm of J. H. Queal & Company, of Minneapolis, and forthwith came to Tabor, South Dakota, to assume the management of their yards here, and he has since retained this incumbency, having been most successful in forwarding the local interests of the company and having control of a large and constantly increasing business. He is a staunch Republican in his political proclivities and takes a lively interest in public affairs of a local and general nature. He and his wife are both communicants of the Catholic church. He has recently completed a course in architecture through the International Correspondence Schools, of Scranton, Pennsylvania, finding the knowledge of great value to him in his present position, while he is also well equipped for following the business as a profession should circumstances justify a change at any time.

On the 3rd of June, 1902, was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Jezewski to Miss Stella Hakl, daughter of Frank Hakl, a well-known and honored farmer of Bon Homme county.

Source: Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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