Hemming Anderson, a Swedish native, embarked on a journey to America in 1882, seeking better opportunities. After landing in New York, he made his way to South Dakota and settled in Vermillion. With determination, he improved his land, starting from a humble tent and later upgrading to a sod house. Anderson’s hard work paid off as he transformed his farm into a prosperous enterprise, cultivating acres of land and raising livestock. He actively supported education and the Republican Party, while he and his wife remained dedicated members of the Lutheran Church. Despite the loss of two sons, their daughter thrived and became a respected member of the community.
HEMMING ANDERSON is a native of Sweden, where he was born on the 18th of October, 1854, and where he was reared to manhood, having received a common-school education and having lived there until 1882 when he set forth to seek his fortunes in America. He landed in New York and then came west to what is now the state of South Dakota, arriving in Vermillion, Clay County, in the spring of that year and there remaining about one month. He secured a team of oxen and with the same came to Charles Mix County, where he took up a homestead claim in Rhoda Township. Settlers were few and far removed from one another, and the stretching prairies lay waiting the plowshare. Mr. Anderson forthwith set himself vigorously to the task of improving his land and bringing it under profitable cultivation. He and his family lived for a time in a tent, and thereafter resided in a sod house, twelve feet square. This rude domicile in time gave place to his present comfortable and attractive farm residence, while all about the place are further evidences of enterprise and good management. He has a nice grove of trees on his farm, having raised the same from seed secured along the Missouri River, while all the buildings on the farm are of substantial order. About seventy acres are maintained under effective cultivation, while the remainder is utilized in connection with the raising of livestock, in which department of his enterprise the subject has met with gratifying success. Mr. Anderson has ever shown a deep interest in the cause of education and in all else that makes for the best interests of the community, and he is a staunch supporter of the principles of the Republican Party, while both he and his wife are devoted members of the Lutheran Church. They are highly esteemed in the community and all view with pleasure the prosperity which has attended the efforts of this sterling pioneer from the far Norseland.
In 1880, in his native land, Mr. Anderson was united in marriage to Miss Maria Johnson, who accompanied him on his emigration to America. They have had three children, Ella, Andrew, and Harold, the two sons being deceased, while the only daughter still remains at the parental home, having received good educational advantages and being one of the popular young ladies of the community.
Source: Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.