Biography of Seigal B. Cawood

Seigal B. Cawood was born on December 5, 1861, on the family farm in Putnam County, Missouri, to Thomas and Ellen (Starr) Cawood. After assisting his father on the farm, he moved to South Dakota in 1882, settling in Hand County. There, he claimed a homestead in Pleasant Valley Township, developing a successful 640-acre ranch. Cawood was active in local politics as a staunch Republican and served on the board of trustees. He and his wife, Mary Alice Penwell, whom he married in 1886, were instrumental in founding the first Congregational church in the township. They had one son, Ernest Ray, born in 1891.

Seigal B. Cawood.—On another page of this work is entered a resume of the life history of Thomas Cawood, the honored father of him whose name initiates this paragraph, and in view of this fact it is not demanded that here be entered a recapitulation of the data there given. The subject of this sketch was born on the parental homestead farm, in Putnam County, Missouri, on the 5th of December, 1861, being a son of Thomas and Ellen (Starr) Cawood. He was reared to maturity in his native county, where he received his educational training in the public schools. He thereafter continued to be associated with his father in the work and management of the home farm until 1882, when he came to South Dakota and took up his residence in Beadle County, where he remained one year. He then came to Hand County, where his father had in the meanwhile taken up his abode, and here the subject took up a homestead claim in Pleasant Valley Township, perfecting his title to the same in due course of time and setting himself with characteristic energy to the reclaiming and improvement of his land. He is now the owner of a fine ranch of six hundred and forty acres, a portion of which he devotes to the raising of the various agricultural products best suited to the soil and climate, while the balance is used for grazing purposes and for the raising of hay. He is extensively engaged in the raising of stock of the best type and has attained gratifying success through his well-directed efforts, having come to South Dakota as a young man of twenty-one years and having duly availed himself of the golden opportunities here afforded to men of energy, discrimination, and industrious habits. In politics, Mr. Cawood is a staunch Republican, and he is known as a progressive and public-spirited citizen. He served for five years as a member of the board of trustees of Pleasant Valley Township and has at all times given his aid and influence in support of all enterprises and undertakings advanced for the general good. Mr. and Mrs. Cawood have long been deeply interested in all movements for the uplifting of their fellow men, and they assisted in the organization of the first Congregational church in Pleasant Valley Township on July 14, 1894. Mr. Cawood was one of its first trustees and is now a deacon. They had, however, helped to organize and carry on Sunday school since 1884, and Mrs. Cawood has taught its primary department for twenty years. Their son, Ernest, was converted and joined the church at the age of nine years.

On the 23rd of March, 1886, Mr. Cawood was united in marriage to Miss Mary Alice Penwell, who was born in Scotland County, Missouri, where she was reared and educated, being a daughter of William and Electa (Lewis) Penwell, the former of whom was a minister by vocation. Mr. and Mrs. Cawood have one son, Ernest Ray, who was born on the 25th of January, 1891.

Source: Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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