History of Sisseton Township

The west half of Sisseton township lies on the same plateau as the east half of Hickman township, and with the exception of several deep coulees is quite level. The east half lies up in the hills, and in places is considerable broken and stony, and contains numerous marshes and meadows and occasionally a large pond. The settlers in this part of the township have considerable good tillable land by removing a few stones. In the spring of ’85 was organized as a school township, and this year built two good schoolhouses. Has not yet been organized as a civil township. Richard Dunne, a native of Ireland, came here from Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, in May 1883, and located on sec. 7 on the west bank of the large coulee, where the old fort trail crosses the same. He built a log hut, the only one in this part of the county; the coulee near his house contains considerable brush and young timber. Of his children, Frank A. and daughter Mary E., settled on sec. .7; and John B. on sec. 18.

Geo. McIntosh and his mother came here from the Lisbon country, but originally from La Salle Co., Ill., and settled on sections 8 and 5. John Stewart, from Nova Scotia, settled on sec. 6. The above parties came here in June, 1883. John Scheidt, a native of Thurgan, Switzerland, came here from Bangor, Wis., in June, 1883, and settled on sec. 18. His son Andrew died March 28, 1885; his wife died Jan. 13, 1886, and only remaining son died May 28,1886. Thos. Hughes, a native of Wales, came here from Bangor, Wis., and settled on sec. 5; his daughters located as follows: Katie, sec. 8; Sarah, sec. 19, and Lizzie on sec. 9. C. H. Loveland, from Michigan, first located in Hickman and later here on sec. 30. N. W. Coppock and son Charles, from Chicago, sec. 4. Theodore Ziegelmeir, from Nauvoo, Ill., sec. 9. D. R. Eaton, from Eau Claire, Wis., sec. 2, on the west slope of the Coteaus.

The following is a list of the Scandinavian settlers, nearly all from Minnesota: Daniel Youngquist, sec. 17; Swan and August Anderson, sec. 20; John Linquist, sec. 29; Swan Johnson, sec. 30; Swan Ogren, sec. 32; Mr. Carlson, sec. 30; Chas. Anderson, sec. 31. His son Joseph, a grown young man, died in the fall of 1885. H. P. Strandberg, sec. 6. Mr. Strandberg does general blacksmithing for settlers.

Warner R. Gregory and sister Sue, from Decatur, Ill., located on sec. 11 in July, 1885, and were the first settlers in the hills; their nearest neighbor was five miles distant. Since then the settlers given below settled in this part of the township. In September, ’85, three colored soldiers called at Mr. Gregory’s for breakfast, stating they had been at Britton, and were now looking for their strayed horses. While they were eating, two Indian scouts dropped in upon them and took them prisoners. They were deserters, and in all probability had wandered about the hills all night, and had been trailed by the scouts.

Mr. Ferris settled on sec. 1. Mrs. I. C. Stowe, from Illinois, and Edwin Whipple, from Michigan, sec. 2. Rev. J. C. Adams, from Marcellus, Mich., settled on sec. 2 in 1885. Harvey H. Smith, a native of New Hampshire, emigrated to Wisconsin in 1849 and has lived in Minnesota and Kansas; settled on sec. 12 in 1885. Bernarl L. Marpee settled on sec. 13. Mr. Jensen on sec. 24. Carl Ogren, sec. 19, in fractional addition. Holmes and Moore live in the eastern part of the township. Miss Katie Hughes taught the first school in a claim shanty during the summer of 1885.

Source: Hickman, George; History of Marshall County, Dakota: Its Topography and Natural History, and Sketches of Pioneer Settlers, with the Names of Actual Settlers where They are From, and where They Live; Also, the Military and Sisseton Reservations; J.W. Banbury, 1886.

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