History of Stena Township

Stena township lies south of Dayton township, and until 1885 was divided and belonged to both Norwich and Hartford school townships. There is quite an apparent rise of ground from the south town line, to the north town line, gradually merging into the elevation mentioned in Dayton Township. Through the south tier of section there is a water course or coulee and the land is naturally level and in some places low. This township was not surveyed until August, 1883, and came in market the following October. They have now four school houses.

In the fall of 1882, Geo. H. Marsh and Prof. Parsons, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, built two shanties on section 19 and several more in Weston Township to hold claims for relatives until the next spring. They, however, found on their arrival that every claim had been, jumped. T. H. Green, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, claims to have built the first shanty March 15 that was built in 1883 in the township on section 18.

Rudolph H. Rozema, from Grand Rapids, Michigan, on section 20; also claims to have been the first to make settlement. He arrived here from Groton about March. 1st and surveyed east from the county line and located his claim. In the winter of ’83-4 he went to Rochester, New York, and married Miss Budd, who, in the spring of ’85, opened a private school in their house for the benefit of her neighbors’ children, there being no public school or school house. The following fall she taught a public school. The school taught by Mrs. Rozema was the only private one ever taught in the county.

Wm. H. Ross, from Ionia, Michigan, located on section 21, March 12, ’83. Mr. Ross located the majority of settlers in Miller and Stena townships. About April 6th that spring there were nineteen persons slept in a 10×12 shanty on section 19 belonging to A. L. Hart, who, since sold out to Peter Wolf, of Greenville, Michigan. The next morning twenty-three men had breakfast. I. F. Karns and Ross acting as cooks. About April 16 a terrible cold rain set in and their dry weather shanty leaked like a sieve, so ten men picked up the stove and other utensils and in the driving storm moved forty rods to a shanty affording better protection.

Stena Post Office was established in Oct., 1883. E. B. Karn, from Greenville, Michigan, section 28, was appointed P. M.

First Child Born in the township, was Alvin Ray Kustonborder, Nov. 19 ’83. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kustonborder came here from Greenville, Michigan, and settled on section 21.

First Wedding Miss Bessie Pratt and L. Smith, (from Kankakee, Illinois, who located on section 14), were married at the bride’s home February 17, 1886.

A. C. Pratt, came here from Whiteside County, Illinois, in April, ’83, and settled on section 34. Mr. Pratt was born in Chittenden County, Vermont, came to Illinois, in 1846 where he resided until his removal here. He prefers this country to Illinois as he enjoys better health and says farming is easier.

C. A. Tuck, from Montcalm County, Michigan, section 26. Mr. Tuck was born in Erie County, New York, and came to Michigan in 1871. In 1885, was elected county superintendent of schools of this county.

Joseph Corlis, from Carson City. Michigan, section 34. Mr. Corlis was elected county assessor last year. In the spring of 1884 his son, Jerome, who had settled on section 1 in Weston township, went to Columbia after seed wheat; on his way home was taken sick and died April 22. He left a wife and one child.

S. Spencer and son, William, from Michigan settled on section 35.
Samuel Marsh, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, section 34.
John La Rue, from St. Lawrence County, New York, section 35.
Daniel Edson, from Dallas County, Iowa, section 27.
Oliver Marsh, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, section 33.
Geo. H. Marsh, father of the Marsh boys, makes it his home with his children.
James Miller, from Greenville, Michigan, section 20.
Mr. Pool, from Pontiac, Michigan, section 26.
Stephen Spencer, from Saranac, Michigan, section 29.
Denzel Purdy, from Beldon, Michigan, section 29.
Chas. Ingersol, from Kalamazoo, Michigan, section 29.
Miss Miller, from Greenville, Michigan, section 30; married Byron Griffiths. Mrs. Griffiths, from Greenville, Michigan, section 30.
Chas. Smith, from Stanton, Michigan, section 30.
Robert Duffle, from Spencer’s Mills, Michigan, section 30.
Jacob Steinbrenner, a native of Germany, came here from Ohio and settled on section 32
Hiram Smith and mother, Mrs. A. J. Smith, from Stanton, Michigan, settled on section 32.
W. J. Green, from Blue Earth, Minnesota, settled on section 33.
Samuel Wellington, from Canada, settled on section 23, and was among the very first to locate here in ’83.
P. James, from Illinois, section 25.
The Hubbells came here from Tioga County, New York; S. D. Hubbell located on section 24, and E. S. Hubbel settled on same section. L. T. Hubbell section 25.
John Robinson, from Lansing Michigan, section. 13.
Joseph Bush and Geo. Secord from Lansing, Michigan, section 24. Mr. Bush is the present township assessor.
Steven Alpaugh section 23, and Chas. Alpaugh section 14, are both from Hillsdale, Michigan.
James Hopkins, from Whiteside, County, Illinois, section 14.
John Linahaen, from Whiteside County, Illinois, section 15.
Frank Childs and Chas. Bloodough, from Hillsdale, Michigan, settled on section 22.
John Langan, from Greenville, Michigan, section 22.
Samuel _______ [surname is missing from book] from Kalamazoo, Michigan, section 21.
Ira F. Karn, from Greenville, Michigan, section 20.
Henry Stocks, from Greenville, Michigan, section 19.
Benj. H. Briggs, from Greenville, Michigan, section 18.
Geo. Ikeman, from Colorado, purchased Downings tree-claim on section 18 and is now improving the same.
S. L. Phillips, originally from Orleans County, Vermont, came here from Delavan, Wisconsin, and settled on section 17.
Josiah Naftzar, from Michigan, section 7.
Frank Odell, from Canada, section 7.
Sylvester Straight, from New York, section’ 5.
John Tire, from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, section 8.
Levi Wyckoff, from Tompkins County, New York, section 8.
John Murray, from Minnesota, section 4.
Burt Farron, from Jackson, Michigan, and Mr. Patrick, section 4.
Frank Toll, from Ionia, Michigan, section 9.
J. C. Davies, from Rochester, New York, section 9.
Fred P. Whipple, from New York, section 10.
Gustave and Joseph Grupe, from Fairfield, Connecticut, section 10.
Robert D. Smith, from Connecticut, section 11.
Geo. Jeu Devine, from Michigan, settled on section 12.
Mr. Jeu Devine served in the Michigan Engineer and Mechanics corps during the war.
James T. Lewis, from Butler, Indiana, section 12. Mr. Lewis served in an Ohio regiment during the rebellion.
Joseph A. Richardson, from Mantena, Illinois, section 3,
John Berger, from New York, section 1.
T. B. McDonough, section 1. (See Britton.)
Geo. Fisher, from Wisconsin, section 2.
Edwin O. Lindloe, from Minnesota, section 2.

Source: Hickman, George; History of Marshall County, Dakota: Its Topography and Natural History, and Sketches of Pioneer Settlers, with the Names of Actual Settlers where They are From, and where They Live; Also, the Military and Sisseton Reservations; J.W. Banbury, 1886.

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