Biography of Orville Clyde Cadwell

Orville Clyde Cadwell, born on August 20, 1861, in Fayette, Ohio, was a prominent music businessman in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. After losing his sight at age five due to a fever, he received his education at the School for the Blind in Faribault, Minnesota, and the Perkins Institute in South Boston, Massachusetts, where he graduated in 1881. Cadwell developed strong musical skills and became proficient in piano tuning. In 1889, he moved to Sioux Falls and established a successful music business, eventually becoming the sole owner. Active in his community, Cadwell served on the Sioux Falls Board of Education and was involved with the Unitarian Church and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He married Minnie A. Burdick in 1885, and they had three children: Grace B., Muriel C., and Ralph K. Cadwell.

Orville Clyde Cadwell is a native of the Buckeye state, having been born in Fayette, Ohio, on the 20th of August, 1861, a son of Alpha Dow and Alta Delight Cadwell, who removed from Ohio to Minnesota in 1863, being numbered among the early settlers of Fairmont, Martin County, where the father engaged in the mercantile business, becoming one of the interested principals in the Ward & Cadwell Company, of that place, whose business has grown to be one of the largest of the sort in southern Minnesota. The father of the subject died in 1899, at the age of seventy-two years, and his widow is now living at Chokio, Minnesota.

When the subject of this sketch was but five years of age he was rendered totally blind as a result of an attack of fever, and his early educational training was therefore secured in the school for the blind at Faribault, Minnesota, while later he was afforded excellent advantages in being permitted to prosecute his studies in the celebrated Perkins Institute, in South Boston, Massachusetts, where he was graduated as a member of the class of 1881. His alert and receptive mentality enabled him to make notable progress, and he early evinced a marked taste for music and for the reading of good literature, while he was fortunately endowed with a strong physique and buoyant spirit, so that his handicap has not been as great as might be imagined, for he is a man of fine attainments and excellent business ability, while his generous and genial nature has won him staunch friendships. He received the best of musical instruction and also learned the art of piano tuning, and after his graduation, in order to still further advance himself, he devoted one year to teaching music and to the practical work of his trade. In 1882 Mr. Cadwell secured a position as tuner and pianist in the prominent music house of Dyer & Howard, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, and continued in the employ of this firm until 1889, when his health became so impaired as to lead to his resignation. In the autumn of that year, he came to Sioux Falls and engaged in the music business, his father being associated with him in the same until his death, when he left his interest to the subject, who is now the sole owner, while the success of the undertaking is shown when we note that this is the largest, best known, and most popular music house in the state, having well-equipped sales and store rooms and a full line of the best musical instruments and merchandise. To this attractive enterprise Mr. Cadwell devotes his entire attention, and he has manifested great tact and administrative ability in the connection and personally attained the highest popularity in the business, social, and musical circles of the city. He is a staunch supporter of the Republican party, and in 1899 was elected to represent the fifth ward on the board of education, being still in tenure of this office and taking a lively interest in educational affairs and in all else that makes for the well-being of his home city. He is liberal and tolerant in his religious views, and both he and his wife are members of the Unitarian church. He has been affiliated with Sioux Falls Lodge, No. 262, Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, since August 1902, and is one of its valued members.

In the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, on the 18th of November, 1885, Mr. Cadwell was united in marriage to Miss Minnie A. Burdick, who was born in Fairmont, Martin County, Minnesota, being a daughter of John and Rebecca (Swearengen) Burdick, and of the children of this gracious union we enter the following brief record: Grace B. was born August 26, 1886; Muriel C., April 22, 1890; and Ralph K., November 2, 1894.

Source: Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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