Biography of Floyd E. Swartout

Floyd E. Swartout is a distinguished individual known for his executive ability and intellectual prowess. Serving as the superintendent of schools in Buffalo County, he has played a pivotal role in the educational domain. With a strong background in teaching, Swartout’s remarkable career began in South Dakota, where he excelled in his profession before assuming his current position. His unwavering commitment to the betterment of education has earned him re-election and widespread acclaim. Beyond his professional achievements, Swartout is an active member of the Congregational church, enjoys community involvement, and maintains a flourishing social life.

FLOYD E. SWARTOUT is a young man of distinctive executive ability and high intellectuality, and is currently serving in the responsible office of superintendent of schools of Buffalo county. He has spent the majority of his life in South Dakota and is prominent in educational affairs, having been a successful teacher for a number of years prior to his election to his present office.

Mr. Swartout was born in Marshall County, Iowa, on the 15th of April, 1873, and is a son of Rev. Edgar P. and Mary J. (Kuns) Swartout, the former of whom was born in the state of Michigan and the latter in Maryland. They are now located in Lebanon, Potter County, South Dakota, where Mr. Swartout has a pastoral charge. He is a member of the clergy of the Congregational church and has been long and successfully engaged in the work of his high calling. He is a man of high attainments and one whose earnest and devoted labors have been fruitful in good for his fellow men. The subject of this sketch received his early education in the public schools of his native county and was nine years old when, in 1882, his parents moved to South Dakota, settling in Badger, Davison County. He continued his education in the village schools until 1889, when he enrolled in the academic department of Yankton College. He completed his studies there in the prescribed four-year term and graduated in 1896. After leaving college, Mr. Swartout began teaching in the public schools, and in 1897, he came to Gann Valley, Buffalo County, to accept the principalship of the local schools. He continued to be actively and successfully engaged in the work of his profession there until 1900 when he was elected, on the Populist ticket, to his current position as county superintendent of schools. It immediately became evident that he was the right man in the right place, as he achieved excellent results in unifying and systematizing the work of the schools in his jurisdiction, gaining the wholehearted cooperation of the teachers in the various localities and infusing life and vigor into their work. The fact that his efforts were well-appreciated by the public was evident by his re-election in the fall of 1902, and he is now earnestly and discerningly carrying forward the work of his office. His second term will expire in January 1905. He is affiliated with the Populist party and takes a keen interest in public affairs, particularly those of a local nature. He and his wife are prominent members of the Congregational church, actively participating in its work, while also enjoying high popularity in the social circles of their hometown. Mr. Swartout is a member of Gann Valley Lodge, No. 120, Ancient Order of United Workmen.

On the 30th of August, 1899, Mr. Swartout married Miss Charlotte A. Stroud, daughter of John and Clarissa (Church) Stroud of Gann Valley. They have two children, Minetta Maud, who was born on July 27, 1900, and died on November 30, 1901, and Violet Muriel, who was born on June 17, 1903.


Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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