Biography of Alfred Goldin

Alfred Goldin, a prominent figure in Spink County’s agricultural community, has achieved great success through his own efforts in developing the region’s resources. Born in North Carolina in 1866, he overcame family hardships caused by the Civil War and limited educational opportunities. In 1886, he arrived in South Dakota with no capital, but his determination and hard work paid off. As a farmer, he thrived, eventually purchasing an 800-acre farm. With his land well-improved and cultivated, Goldin’s prosperity grew over the years. Known as a practical and progressive businessperson, he enjoys the respect and admiration of his community.

ALFRED GOLDIN is one of the popular and successful representatives of the agricultural contingent in Spink County, where he has accumulated a fine property through his own well-directed efforts in connection with the development of the fine resources of this section. He is a native of Surry County, North Carolina, where he was born on the 6th of August, 1866, being one of twins and the eighth in order of birth of the twelve children of Thomas Goldin, who was likewise born and reared in Surry County, where he passed practically his entire life. His father came from England to America and was one of the early settlers in North Carolina, where he became a successful and influential planter. The father of the subject came into possession of the property and remained there until his death, which occurred on the 13th of March, 1883. During the Civil War, he served as provost marshal in the Confederate Army, and one of his brothers sacrificed his life on behalf of the “lost cause,” as did also two brothers of his wife.

The subject of this sketch remained on the ancestral plantation until after the death of his honored father. The family met with serious reverses owing to the ravages inflicted during the war, and his educational advantages were such as were afforded in the common schools. In 1885, at the age of nineteen years, he set forth to fight the battle of life on his own responsibility, removing to Missouri, where he remained about one year. At the expiration of which, in April 1886, he came to South Dakota, having no capitalistic resources and arriving here as an entire stranger. He was endowed with energy and determination and took whatever work he could secure to provide for his necessities, always aiming to attain a position of independence. For two years, he was engaged in railroad construction work, and then he was employed for about eighteen months by M. B. Gallup, a farmer of Spink County. At the end of this period, he rented land in this county and became successful as a farmer on his own responsibility. In 1895, he purchased the J. P. Day farm of eight hundred acres, conveniently located three miles south of Mellette, and here his prosperity has continued to increase with the passing years. He is now numbered among the substantial men of the county, with a well-improved place under a high state of cultivation. His land yields large crops of wheat, barley, oats, potatoes, and corn. He has also been particularly successful in the raising of hogs, conducting operations in this line on an extensive scale. Personally, he has made high-grade improvements on his ranch, equipping it with excellent buildings in addition to those already on the property when he acquired it. He has also installed an artesian well to a depth of nine hundred and eighty-one feet, providing an abundant supply of pure and sparkling water. On April 2, 1904, Mr. Goldin purchased the McCall quota of land, paying twenty dollars per acre for it. He has labored unremittingly, making every day count, and is known as a practical and progressive businessman. He enjoys the confidence and goodwill of all who know him. In politics, he is a stalwart Republican but has never sought or desired the honors or emoluments of public office of any description.

On the 30th of March, 1890, Mr. Goldin was united in marriage to Miss Annie Day, daughter of J. P. Day, one of the early pioneers of this county and the original owner of the property now owned by the subject. Mr. Day is one of the sterling old-timers of this section of the state and is now located on the Gulf Coast in Alabama. Mr. and Mrs. Goldin have four children: Olive, James, Esther A., and Alfred Jr.


Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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