Blunt, D. T., Correspondence to Chicago Inter-Ocean.
The District Attorney of Potter County runs a milk wagon during vacation.
A physician formerly of Union City, Kentucky, spent his first few months here as a day laborer while he had two diplomas hanging up in his room.
A man who had a jewelry store in Leadville, Colorado, came to Blunt, and finding two jewelers here bought out a meat market and ran it for nearly a year successfully.
A graduate of a Pennsylvania college who had read law two years got his first start in Wessington sawing wood at a hotel. He is now a grain and coal dealer.
A young man who spent four years at West Point Military Academy was a runner and night clerk at a hotel here during the summer.
Two of the lawyers here spent their first summer in Dakota working as carpenter. One of the keenest, but not the best lawyer in Huron, came here as a stage driver, and drove the stage from Mitchel to Huron till the land office was moved to the last-named town.
The District Attorney of Sully County spent his first three months in Dakota working at printing.
The fiercest prohibitionist in this town ran a saloon here during his first eighteen months.
A family whose members spent their summers on their claim about ten miles from here, and do good farming, traveling during most of the winter, giving dramatic and elocutionary entertainments.
Four drummers who are on the road almost constantly have their families on homestead claims in this vicinity. During seeding and harvesting time some of them spend a vacation here, and in the tan-colored blouse and overalls look the genuine farmer. When those seasons are over they shave, put on appropriate garb and are hardly recognizable.
The District attorney for this county painted his way out here in the employ of the Chicago and Northwestern Railway.
A preacher of the M. E. Church, recently licensed, built the skating rink in Canning, this county, sold patent rights, ran a barber’s shop here and in Canning, and a meat market here, and then a dray line. Now he has a circuit in Sully County.
A man who kept a restaurant and boarding house in St. Lawrence proved to be a preacher of the “Christian” denomination, and is now president of a college of that sect in Clifton, Sully County.
A Presbyterian missionary, who was sent out from Pennsylvania opened a harness shop in St. Lawrence and worked at the bench for a year.
The junior partner of a recently dissolved dry goods firm, though not bankrupt, stepped upon a dray within a month after going out, and is now a drayman. He has been a farmer, merchant, and druggist.
A man who spent two years in attending medical lectures at Galesburg, Illinois, runs a dairy near here.
A Potter county man, for a couple of years united the offices of Presbyterian preacher and hotel-keeper.
In the last Sully County Watchman there appeared side by side the law-card of “A McFall, late of the New York bar,” and a paragraph that of A. McFall has taken a sub-contract for carrying the mail between two Dakota points.
Source: Hickman, George; History of Marshall County, Dakota: Its Topography and Natural History, and Sketches of Pioneer Settlers, with the Names of Actual Settlers where They are From, and where They Live; Also, the Military and Sisseton Reservations; J.W. Banbury, 1886.