Biography of Alpha F. Orr

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Alpha F. Orr, born April 28, 1860, in Jersey City, New Jersey, was a distinguished attorney based in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Raised in Florence, New York, and educated at Whitestown Seminary and Hamilton College, Orr pursued law, being admitted to the bar in 1882. He initially practiced in Rome and Camden, New York, before relocating to Sioux Falls in 1889, where he quickly became a prominent legal figure. A committed Republican, Orr was active in politics, though he primarily focused on his legal practice. He married Eva E. Green and was involved in the Elks and Knights of Pythias.

History of Hickman Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

About ono-third of Hickman township lies on the plateau, which, with the exception of several coulees is level and good farming land; the other two-thirds lie in the valley; the surface rather level. There are several ravines or coulees that emerge from the Coteaus in Sisseton township and run in a westerly direction; one of these coulees crosses sections 12,11, 10, 9 and 8, and on sec. 7 spreads out like a fan, covering three quarter sections of land, making an excellent meadow. This coulee on sec. 11 contained some timber, currants, gooseberries and raspberries, also plum trees. Excellent drinking … Read more

History of Stena Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Stena township lies south of Dayton township, and until 1885 was divided and belonged to both Norwich and Hartford school townships. There is quite an apparent rise of ground from the south town line, to the north town line, gradually merging into the elevation mentioned in Dayton Township. Through the south tier of section there is a water course or coulee and the land is naturally level and in some places low. This township was not surveyed until August, 1883, and came in market the following October. They have now four school houses. In the fall of 1882, Geo. H. … Read more