Biography of Richard Lucid

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Richard Lucid, born in County Kerry, Ireland, in 1843, immigrated to the United States at age 18. After brief stays in Ohio and Michigan, he settled in Iowa, where he farmed for 22 years. In 1884, Lucid moved to Yankton County, South Dakota, where he established a 200-acre farm. He married Hannah Hart in 1879, and the couple had 11 children, though five died young. Lucid became known for his successful stock raising and commitment to his community. The family remained active in the Roman Catholic Church in Yankton, where they were respected for their contributions and industrious spirit.

History of Stena Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Stena township lies south of Dayton township, and until 1885 was divided and belonged to both Norwich and Hartford school townships. There is quite an apparent rise of ground from the south town line, to the north town line, gradually merging into the elevation mentioned in Dayton Township. Through the south tier of section there is a water course or coulee and the land is naturally level and in some places low. This township was not surveyed until August, 1883, and came in market the following October. They have now four school houses. In the fall of 1882, Geo. H. … Read more