Biography of Theodore Rix

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Theodore Rix, a notable agriculturist in Yankton County, South Dakota, was born in Denmark on January 11, 1845. After losing his mother at birth and his father in 1864, Rix emigrated to the United States in 1870. He worked in various trades, including carpentry and farming, across Michigan, Indiana, and Iowa. In 1878, he settled in Yankton County, purchasing 160 acres of government land and expanding his holdings to 400 acres. Rix married Katherina Jensen on December 19, 1883, and they have nine children. Active in the community, Rix is involved with the Farmers’ Mutual Insurance Company and the Irene Creamery Association. He and his family are members of the Lutheran Church.

History of Sisseton Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

The west half of Sisseton township lies on the same plateau as the east half of Hickman township, and with the exception of several deep coulees is quite level. The east half lies up in the hills, and in places is considerable broken and stony, and contains numerous marshes and meadows and occasionally a large pond. The settlers in this part of the township have considerable good tillable land by removing a few stones. In the spring of ’85 was organized as a school township, and this year built two good schoolhouses. Has not yet been organized as a civil … Read more

History of Victor Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Victor Township lies in the northeast corner of the county, west of the Sisseton reservation and north of the military reservation and at present includes a strip three miles wide lying between it and the military reservation. The western part is quite level, while the eastern part extends up into the Coteaus. The principal part of the land in the hills is good farming land, free of stones and nearly all settled. There are five coulees emerging from the hills, four of which contain timber. Chas. Bailey, mentioned elsewhere, was the first settler on section 12. Peter Sirai, a native … Read more