Biography of James Kirk

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

James Kirk, a native of Dumfriesshire, Scotland, embarked on a remarkable journey that shaped his life. From his early ventures in the dry goods business in England to engaging in sheep raising in Colorado, Kirk’s experiences were diverse. He devoted several years to missionary work in Sierra Leone, Africa, spreading Christianity and teaching the natives. Returning to Scotland and later settling in South Dakota, Kirk transformed his land into a thriving farm, excelling in livestock breeding and cultivation. A devoted Congregational church member, he actively participated in religious and community endeavors, embodying the qualities of a selfless philanthropist and progressive citizen.

History of Britton, South Dakota

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

During the spring of 1883 a few claim shacks were built on what now comprises the town site of Britton; the squatters little dreaming that three years of ‘time would bring, them a railroad, a flourishing town and county seat. Wm. Ross, of Stena township, while tramping over this portion of Miller township the latter … Read more