Biography of Holden D. Kinyon

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Holden D. Kinyon, the popular postmaster of Valley Springs, South Dakota, was born in Lomira, Wisconsin, in 1854. After receiving his education, he moved to South Dakota and purchased land near Valley Springs. In 1890, he was appointed postmaster and has served in that position for four administrations. Mr. Kinyon’s business as a dealer in books, stationery, and school supplies has flourished, and he is known for his courteous and obliging nature. He is highly respected in the community, both for his public service and his dedication to the Republican Party. Married to Jennie F. Palmer, he and his wife are valued members of Valley Springs society.

History of Sisseton Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

The west half of Sisseton township lies on the same plateau as the east half of Hickman township, and with the exception of several deep coulees is quite level. The east half lies up in the hills, and in places is considerable broken and stony, and contains numerous marshes and meadows and occasionally a large pond. The settlers in this part of the township have considerable good tillable land by removing a few stones. In the spring of ’85 was organized as a school township, and this year built two good schoolhouses. Has not yet been organized as a civil … Read more