Biography of J. C. Hall

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

J. C. Hall, a prominent agriculturist, merchant, and grain dealer in Brown County, South Dakota, has achieved remarkable success in various ventures, including his breeding of full-blooded Shropshire sheep. With an exceptional farm and a flock of one hundred and seventy-five prized sheep, he has gained a reputation for excellence in the industry. Alongside his agricultural pursuits, Hall manages a large elevator and actively participates in politics as a leader of the Republican Party. His contributions to legislation and organizational skills have been highly regarded. Hall’s dedication to the development of South Dakota as a flourishing state underscores his visionary outlook and commitment to the well-being of his community.

Biography of Henry Wilber

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Henry Wilber is a remarkable pioneer who has demonstrated the immense potential of agricultural development in South Dakota. Born in Michigan in 1845, Wilber embarked on a successful career in the lumber industry before venturing to Dakota in 1880. There, he settled in Brown County, where he established a thriving farm through sheer hard work and dedication. Wilber’s farm boasted substantial improvements, including a commodious residence and extensive land holdings. He excelled in grain production and Hereford cattle breeding, achieving great success. With his enterprising spirit, Wilber became a model farmer in the region, earning respect and admiration. Alongside his wife, he embraced his Republican politics and Methodist Episcopal faith, creating a rich and fulfilling life in his chosen community.

History of Hickman Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

About ono-third of Hickman township lies on the plateau, which, with the exception of several coulees is level and good farming land; the other two-thirds lie in the valley; the surface rather level. There are several ravines or coulees that emerge from the Coteaus in Sisseton township and run in a westerly direction; one of … Read more