Biography of Edward C. Payne

Edward C. Payne, a prominent member of the board of commissioners in Brown County, is a respected farmer and stock grower in South Dakota. Born in New York in 1853, he moved to Minnesota before settling in South Dakota in 1880. Payne transformed his half section of land into a thriving farm, renowned for its wheat production and high-grade shorthorn cattle. He is known for his resourcefulness and dedication to progress. Active in local politics and various fraternal organizations, Payne has made significant contributions to his community. He has been married twice and has five children from his first marriage and a daughter from his second marriage.

EDWARD C. PAYNE, who is a member of the board of commissioners of Brown County, is one of the representative farmers and stock growers of this section of the state and is one of those loyal and progressive citizens who have contributed so materially to the development of the resources of our great commonwealth. Mr. Payne claims the old Empire State as the place of his nativity, having been born in Jefferson County, New York, on the 2nd of August, 1853, and being a son of William and Emily Payne, both of whom are now deceased, being survived by five of their children. The subject of this sketch was reared on the homestead farm, securing a common-school education and proving himself fertile in resources while still a young man, in that he showed facility in turning his hand to varied lines of work. At the age of twenty-five years, he removed to Freeborn County, Minnesota, where he remained two years, at the expiration of which, in 1880, he came to what is now the state of South Dakota and entered claim to his present half section of land, four miles south of Warner. He has made all the improvements on this fine homestead and developed into one of the most attractive and valuable farms in this section. In March, two years after securing this land, Mr. Payne was joined by his family, their first domicile being an unpretentious board shanty of the most primitive order. In the fall of 1882, he erected a substantial residence, to which he made additions in 1887 and 1903, so that the house is now a commodious and attractive one, well adapted to all needs of the family and constituting a pleasant home. He has under cultivation an entire section of land, from which he has secured a total yield of six thousand bushels of wheat in one year, while he also devotes special attention to the raising of high-grade shorthorn cattle. Mr. Payne is signally fortunate in having upon his farm an ample supply of water for all purposes, the same being secured from an artesian well which he sunk in the year 1900, the same having a flow of ninety-five gallons a minute, while there are only three other such wells in the county, his having been the first, while he has further increased the value of the facilities thus afforded by the construction of an artificial pond which offers storage for a large amount of water and enables him to use the same in the irrigation of his well-kept gardens. Since 1885, Mr. Payne has operated a threshing outfit and has made this a profitable enterprise in connection with his farming. In politics, he is a staunch supporter of the principles of the Republican Party, in whose cause he has been an active worker in his county. In the fall of 1902, he was elected a member of the board of county commissioners for a term of four years, assuming the duties of the office on the 1st of January, 1903. Fraternally, he is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the adjunct organization, the Daughters of Rebekah, having passed the official chairs in the former lodge, which he has also represented in the grand lodge of the state, while Mrs. Payne is also a member of the Daughters of Rebekah.

In 1873, Mr. Payne was married to Miss Rosa Grappotte, who died in 1890, being survived by five children: William, who is engaged in farming in this county; Emory, who is a resident of New York City, where he has attained a high reputation in athletic circles; Floyd, who is engaged in railroad work; Frank, who is a machinist; and Carrie, who remains at the paternal home. In Day County, this state, on the 27th of October, 1892, Mr. Payne was united in marriage to Miss Katie Ryman, and they have one daughter, Trilvian.

Source: Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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