Biography of Edgar B. Northrup

Edgar B. Northrup, a native of New York, has made a significant impact in South Dakota. Despite only being a resident for twelve years, he has achieved both local recognition in business circles and prominence in public affairs. With a background in education from prestigious institutions like Phillips Academy and Yale University, Northrup ventured into the real estate business. His sagacity and keen perception have led to remarkable success, establishing him as a leader in his field. Not only is he highly esteemed for his business acumen, but his integrity and gentlemanly demeanor have also earned him a wide circle of friends. Active in politics, Northrup has become an influential figure in the Republican Party, serving as a distinguished member of the general assembly.

Edgar B. Northrup— Although a young man and for only twelve years a resident of Dakota, the subject of this review has achieved much more than local reputation in business circles, besides becoming prominent in the public affairs of the state. Edgar B. Northrup is a native of New York and an honorable representative of the large, intelligent and influential class of citizens the Empire State has contributed to the population of various states and territories of the great northwest. He was born April 21, 1867, in Broadalbin, Fulton County, and is the son of Leonard S. and Jane Elizabeth (Burr) Northrup, both parents members of old and respected families. The father, who was for many years a manufacturer of gloves in the state of his nativity, died in September 1891, while the mother is still living at the age of seventy-four years.

The early life of Edgar B., devoid of striking incident or thrilling experience, was spent in his native place, where he received his preliminary education in the public schools, after which he was prepared for college at Phillips Academy, in Andover, Massachusetts. With the discipline thus received, he in due time entered Yale University, which noted institution he attended until completing the prescribed course and from which he graduated with a creditable record in June 1900. Two years after finishing his education, Mr. Northrup came to South Dakota and located in Hanson County, where he remained about one year, removing at the expiration of that time to Sioux Falls, in which city he has since resided.

Since coming west, Mr. Northrup has devoted his attention largely to the real estate business, investments, loans, etc., and having a favorable field in which to operate, he has acquired a large, far-reaching, and lucrative patronage, being at this time one of the leaders in these lines in the thriving city of his residence, besides having extensive interests in various parts of the state. He is a man of sagacity and keen perception, is rarely mistaken in his judgment of men and things, foresees with great clearness future possibilities, and determines with a high degree of accuracy the outcome of present action. In all business relations, he manifests scrupulous integrity and gentlemanly demeanor, and by his intelligence and his unassuming and pleasant bearing, he has gained a large circle of friends.

Mr. Northrup is decidedly Republican in his views and has wielded considerable influence in his party since moving to Sioux Falls, being wise in counsel, judicious and resourceful as an organizer, and untiring as a worker. In November 1902, he was elected to the upper house of the general assembly, and thus far his senatorial career has been able, eminently honorable, and satisfactory to his constituents of all parties. By reason of his business success, high social standing, unblemished character, and the universal esteem which he enjoys, he might without invidious distinction be called one of the most honored, as well as one of the most prominent citizens of Sioux Falls, his right to this rating being cheerfully conceded by all who know him.

Mr. Northrup is a member of the Masonic order, including the Mystic Shrine, and is also a leading spirit in the Ancient Order of United Workmen and the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, besides being an influential factor in the Dacotah Club, one of the leading social organizations of the city. He was married March 14, 1894, in Johnstown, New York, to Miss Laura Hays, an accomplished lady, and they have one child, a daughter by the name of Elizabeth Hays Northrup, whose birth occurred on July 4, 1896.


Robinson, Doane, History of South Dakota: together with mention of Citizens of South Dakota, [Logansport? IN] : B. F. Bowen, 1904.

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