Biography of Andrew Johnson

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Andrew Johnson, a notable farmer, dairyman, and stock grower in Douglas County, South Dakota, was born and educated in Denmark before emigrating to America in 1873. Initially settling in Hartford, Connecticut, he moved to Iowa in 1877, where he farmed until 1900. Johnson then acquired a half section of land in Douglas County, cultivating 220 acres into a valuable homestead. He focused on general farming, dairy farming, and raising Shorthorn and Jersey cattle. A committed Republican and Presbyterian, he and his wife, Hannah Sorenson, had one daughter, Meta C., who married Henry Singleman.

Biography of Martin N. Trygstad

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Martin N. Trygstad, born May 27, 1843, in Norway, moved to Minnesota in 1867 and to Dakota Territory in 1869. He settled in Medary Township, filing for pre-emption in 1872. In 1870, he married Caroline Johnson, and they had eight children. Trygstad became the first postmaster of Medary in 1871, served as a county commissioner for 12 years, and was elected to the territorial legislature in 1872 and 1878. In 1902, he was elected state senator from Brookings County. A devout Lutheran, he was instrumental in founding several churches and promoting community enterprises in Brookings County.

Biography of John A. Johnson

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

John A. Johnson, born April 29, 1867, in Norway, is a prominent farmer in Yankton County, South Dakota. His parents, Jonas and Olena Johnson, emigrated to the U.S. in 1886, settling in Mayfield Township. John arrived in America at 19 and married Bertha Larson in 1894, with whom he had two children, Martin and Lena. Bertha passed away in 1902. Johnson’s 160-acre farm is highly cultivated, featuring modern improvements, including a new residence and barns. Specializing in Shorthorn cattle and Poland-China hogs, he is active in the Lutheran church, the Republican Party, and local cooperative ventures, serving as township treasurer and on the Republican central committee.

Biography of Hemming Anderson

History of South Dakota vol 1 title page

Hemming Anderson, a Swedish native, embarked on a journey to America in 1882, seeking better opportunities. After landing in New York, he made his way to South Dakota and settled in Vermillion. With determination, he improved his land, starting from a humble tent and later upgrading to a sod house. Anderson’s hard work paid off as he transformed his farm into a prosperous enterprise, cultivating acres of land and raising livestock. He actively supported education and the Republican Party, while he and his wife remained dedicated members of the Lutheran Church. Despite the loss of two sons, their daughter thrived and became a respected member of the community.

History of Pleasant Valley Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Pleasant Valley township lies east of Britton, and the ridge or elevation on which Britton is located extends across the northwest corner of the township and terminates in the southeast corner of White township on sections 35 and 36, where the Wild Rice passes through to the north. This termination is generally known as the … Read more

History of Britton, South Dakota

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

During the spring of 1883 a few claim shacks were built on what now comprises the town site of Britton; the squatters little dreaming that three years of ‘time would bring, them a railroad, a flourishing town and county seat. Wm. Ross, of Stena township, while tramping over this portion of Miller township the latter … Read more

History of Miller Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Miller township is centrally located and the surface slightly undulating, with the exception of the quite prominent elevation upon which Britton is located. This low range of hills commences in the southwest corner of the township and gradually rises higher, and extends across the northwestern part of Pleasant Valley township into White township, where it … Read more

History of Victor Township

History of Marshall County Dakota title page

Victor Township lies in the northeast corner of the county, west of the Sisseton reservation and north of the military reservation and at present includes a strip three miles wide lying between it and the military reservation. The western part is quite level, while the eastern part extends up into the Coteaus. The principal part … Read more